The Juul Epidemic, and Why I’m Writing About it. The phrase “Juul Epidemic” might sound harsh, as you probably know the Juul as a portable alternative to traditional tobacco products that is easy to use. As we mentioned in a previous article about the attack on vape flavors, Juul is now 35% owned by Altria […]
Category Archives: Educational
So What’s the Real Difference Between a Vape Shop’s House Juice and Those Premium Juices? Let’s first look at why shops started making ‘house juice’ in the first place. Back in the days when pen style devices were the mainstay, and the largest tank you could get was single coil, probably held less than 3ML […]
What is This Salt Stuff? You may or may not have heard of nicotine salt; it’s certainly the new big thing in the vaping community! So, today I’m here to answer the question, “What the deal with this stuff?”. For starters lets be clear that you don’t add table salt to your favorite eliquid and go […]
There are a lot of battery options out there. So, how do you know which ones are good, and which one is right for you? Well, today that’s exactly what we are going to dive into. There is a Difference The first thing to clear up is that there really is a difference between all […]
It’s true that in our industry, the cycle of tech moves at a rate that surpasses many other consumer electronics. Some have said that six months in the vape industry is comparable to a year in most other retail electronic industries. I have not the time to collaborate that, but it sure feels about right! […]
I’m sure you’ve heard the term ‘Priming a coil’ but what does that mean exactly? Many new vapers haven’t learned this technique, and even some long-term vapers may have some questions as to the best practice in which to do it. So, lets take a step by step look at how to prime a new […]