A Brief History You might be aware that vape shops can no longer ship products through the normal channels. You might also be aware that as an industry, we have had to deal with more and more taxes over the last two years. What you might not be aware of is the ridiculous amount of […]
Author Archives: jason@vapesteamist.com
The PACT ACT Starting on April 26th 2021 USPS will no longer accept shipment of vape products including both hardware & eliquid. FedEx has already stopped service, and UPS will be ending it’s vape shipments in early April as well. This means the entire industry will be relying on regional carriers for consumer shipments. So […]
The Juul Epidemic, and Why I’m Writing About it. The phrase “Juul Epidemic” might sound harsh, as you probably know the Juul as a portable alternative to traditional tobacco products that is easy to use. As we mentioned in a previous article about the attack on vape flavors, Juul is now 35% owned by Altria […]
State of Decay Well, it’s finally gotten to the point I feel like I need to write about this. This year has seen a serious attack on vape flavors. FDA might have started it; but now over two hundred municipalities have flavor restrictions, and that number is rising very quickly. Honestly, I’m now less worried […]
So What’s the Real Difference Between a Vape Shop’s House Juice and Those Premium Juices? Let’s first look at why shops started making ‘house juice’ in the first place. Back in the days when pen style devices were the mainstay, and the largest tank you could get was single coil, probably held less than 3ML […]
How is Steamist the vape shop near me? Read Below to find out! Here at Steamist one of the things we’ve been working diligently towards is growing our out of town, and out of state business with the same quality and customer service we offer here in the shop. We’ve heard the stories of customers […]
This is a difficult article to write for me. As a vape shop owner I know exactly why it is I do what I do. Although I’m not allowed to say it, those reasons are more than enough for me to fight for this industry. However, we can not ignore the issue being caused by […]
Refillable Pod Systems vs Prefilled Pod Systems When it comes to pod systems, I get two questions all the time. The first is about ‘salt nic’ and what exactly that is. The second is what the real difference is between prefilled cartridge systems, and refillable systems. As far as the first question goes, we already […]
Taste Testing Under the New FDA Regulations. So, when you head to your local vape shop to find a new juice, you might be met with several ways of sampling that e-liquid. Today, we’re going to talk about the most common ways shops let their customers try juice, as well as some of the regulations […]
What is This Salt Stuff? You may or may not have heard of nicotine salt; it’s certainly the new big thing in the vaping community! So, today I’m here to answer the question, “What the deal with this stuff?”. For starters lets be clear that you don’t add table salt to your favorite eliquid and go […]
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